Dr. Mark Padilla wants every patient to feel comfortable with the process of creating the perfect smile!

When you arrive at our beautiful new orthodontic office in Plano and Anna, Texas, you will be greeted by our friendly and welcoming team who will ask you to complete forms and provide us with answers to health-related questions.

Next, you will be given a tour, which will include an introduction to our office amenities and a look at our diagnostic equipment.

After your tour, we will take pictures of your teeth and jaw, and we may also take a few X-rays. Pictures and X-rays allow Dr. Mark Padilla to evaluate your oral health, teeth, bone structure and jaw. These images will help our orthodontist build the perfect orthodontic treatment plan.

Every patient is unique, so Dr. Mark Padilla will have a detailed discussion with you about your orthodontic hopes and goals – and the specific reasons you are seeking orthodontic care. After your evaluation and an in-depth conversation, Dr. Mark Padilla will typically make one of three recommendations:

  • You do not need orthodontic treatment
  • You may need braces, but you should wait several month or years
  • You should begin treatment as soon as your oral health allows

Once you are on the road to a new smile, we will see you at regular appointments until your orthodontic treatment is complete. If you have questions or concerns along the way, please do not hesitate to contact us!


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